
Vocabulary (Review)

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In today's lesson, we'll introduce you to a phrase you'll use countless times on your journey! For everyone out there who likes Urdu food, this word will ensure you keep getting more of it!
In Urdu, "I like it" is Mujhay yeh pasand hai, (SLOW) Mujhay yeh pasand hai. Let's break it down by syllable: Mu-jhay ye-h pa-sa-nd hai. Now let's hear it once again: Mujhay yeh pasand hai. The first word mujhay means "I." (SLOW) mujhay, mujhay. Next, we have yeh, which in English is "it." Next is pasand ("like"), (SLOW) pasand, pasand. And hai means "is." To recap here, we have Mujhay yeh pasand hai. Literally, this means "I like it."
If you want to say that you really like something, then you can use this next phrase. In Urdu, "I really like it" is Mujhay yeh bohat pasand hai. (SLOW) Mujhay yeh bohat pasand hai. Let's break it down by syllable: mu-jhay ye-h bo-hat pa-sa-nd hai. Now let's hear it once again: Mujhay yeh bohat pasand hai. This phrase is essentially the same. There is just one additional word included. The word is bohat, (SLOW) bohat. This word means "really."
In the event that you don't like something, "I don't like it" is Mujhay yeh pasand nahi hai. (SLOW) Mujhay yeh pasand nahi hai. Let's break it down by syllable: Mu-jhay ye-h pa-sa-nd na-hi hai. Now let's hear it once again: Mujhay yeh pasand nahi hai. The only word added is the word nahi, meaning "not." Let's hear it one more time: nahi. Next, we have the phrase we just covered meaning, "I like it." Mujhay yeh pasand hai. (SLOW) Mujhay yeh pasand hai. To build the negative form, you just need to add nahi after pasand and you will have Mujhay yeh pasand nahi hai.

