
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Alisha: Welcome to 3-Minute Urdu, Lesson 3 - Manners. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to thank other people in various ways in Urdu.
Alisha: Here's the formal way to say 'Thank you.' in Urdu.
Syed: [Normal] آپ کا شکریہ۔ (Aap ka shukria.)
Alisha: First is the formal word meaning 'you'
Syed: [Normal] آپ [Slow] آپ (aap)
Alisha: Next is the word meaning 'of'
Syed: [Normal] کا [Slow] کا (ka)
Alisha: Last is the word meaning 'thanks'
Syed: [Normal] شکریہ [Slow] شکریہ (shukria)
Alisha: Listen again to the formal phrase meaning 'Thank you.'
Syed: [Slow] آپ کا شکریہ۔ [Normal] آپ کا شکریہ۔
Alisha: Ok, now let's hear the formal way to say 'Thank you very much.'
Syed: [Normal] آپ کا بہت شکریہ۔ (Aap ka bohat shukria.)
Alisha: First is the formal word meaning 'you'
Syed: [Normal] آپ [Slow] آپ (aap)
Alisha: Next is the word meaning 'of'
Syed: [Normal] کا [Slow] کا (ka)
Alisha: Next is the word meaning 'very'
Syed: [Normal] بہت [Slow] بہت (bohat)
Alisha: Last is the word meaning 'thanks'
Syed: [Normal] شکریہ [Slow] شکریہ (shukria)
Alisha: Listen again to the formal phrase meaning 'Thank you very much.'
Syed: [Slow] آپ کا بہت شکریہ۔ [Normal] آپ کا بہت شکریہ۔
Alisha: Now, let’s hear the informal way to say 'Thank you.'
Syed: [Normal] تمہارا شکریہ۔ (Tumhara shukria.)
Alisha: First is a word meaning 'your'
Syed: [Normal] تمہارا [Slow] تمہارا (tumhara)
Alisha: Last is the word meaning 'thanks'
Syed: [Normal] شکریہ [Slow] شکریہ (shukria)
Alisha: Listen again to the informal phrase meaning 'Thank you.'
Syed: [Slow] تمہارا شکریہ۔ [Normal] تمہارا شکریہ۔
Alisha: Finally is a both formal and informal way to say 'Thanks for everything.'
Syed: [Normal] ہر چیز کے لئے شکریہ۔ (Her cheeez kay liye shukria.)
Alisha: First is a phrase meaning 'everything'
Syed: [Normal] ہر چیز [Slow] ہر چیز (her cheeez)
Alisha: Next is the phrase meaning 'for'
Syed: [Normal] کے لئے [Slow] کے لئے (kay liye)
Alisha: Last is the word meaning 'thanks'
Syed: [Normal] شکریہ [Slow] شکریہ (shukria)
Alisha: Listen again to the both formal and informal phrase meaning 'Thanks for everything.'
Syed: [Slow] ہر چیز کے لئے شکریہ۔ [Normal] ہر چیز کے لئے شکریہ۔
Cultural Insight
Alisha: Now, it's time for a quick cultural insight.
Alisha: Pakistanis do not always use the expressions for "Thank you" and "You're welcome" in everyday situations; these are concepts literally translated from English. Native speakers often show politeness simply by using polite pronouns and verb forms while speaking.


Alisha: And that’s all for this lesson. Don’t forget to check out the lesson notes, and we’ll see you in the next lesson!
Syed: !الوداع (alwida!)

