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Eid ul-Azha in Pakistan – Sacrifice and Charity

Would you be able to give up the thing you love most? Or surrender your belongings to someone in need? The most important Eid holiday (Eid ul-Azha, sometimes pronounced Eid ul-Adha) is all about sacrifice and selflessness. In this article, you’ll learn about the Eid ul-Azha meaning in Urdu-speaking Pakistan, why it’s celebrated, and what you can expect to find during this major holiday. Let’s get started! 1. What is Eid ul-Azha? Eid ul-Azha, often called "The Feast of the Sacrifice" in English, is one of the most important Muslim holidays worldwide.  It originates from the story of Ibrahim, who was willing to sacrifice his son Ismael. According to the Quran, Ibrahim had asked Allah to give him a son, and Allah... Show more

All About Kashmir Day in Pakistan

Kashmir Unity Day, or simply Kashmir Day, is a very significant چهٹی (Chutti), or holiday, in Pakistan and other Urdu-speaking regions. On this day, people gather together in honor and encouragement of those who are caught in the Kashmir conflict. In this article from UrduPod101.com, you’ll learn about Kashmir Day and the basics of the Pakistan-India dispute over the Kashmir territory. Further, we’ll show you some important vocabulary for Kashmir Day in Urdu-speaking countries! Are you ready to explore this essential component of Pakistani culture? Let’s get started. 1. What is Kashmir Day? In order to understand the significance of Kashmir Day in Pakistan, it’s important to take a look at the conflict behind it. The... Show more

The Prophet’s Birthday: Eid Milad un Nabi

Each year, a number of Muslims living in Pakistan and around the world celebrate the Prophet’s birthday. While not one of Islam’s two official holidays (which are Eid ul-Fitr and Eid ul-Adha), Muslims usually take advantage of this holiday to show their love and devotion toward the Prophet (Peace be upon Him). In this article, you’ll learn all about Eid Milad un Nabi (also called Eid Miladun Nabi), most especially the modern traditions and perceptions surrounding it. At UrduPod101.com, we hope to make every aspect of your language-learning journey both fun and informative! Let’s get started. 1. What is Eid Milad un Nabi in Islam? The birthday of the prophet (Peace be upon Him) is a public holiday with government... Show more

Pakistani Gestures to Supplement Your Urdu Conversations

When holding conversations with others, spoken words are often our first method of communication. But nonverbal communication—such as body language and gestures—also plays an active role in getting our point across and emphasizing how we feel. What’s more, this type of communication is commonly used in countries around the world.  Pakistani people, in particular, have a knack for body language communication. As a learner of the Urdu language, you’ll greatly benefit from familiarizing yourself with the most common Pakistani gestures and when to use them. This will place you at a vantage point, as this knowledge can rescue you anytime you fall short of words in a complex situation. Learning the intricate art of body language in... Show more

An Overview of Common Urdu Internet Slang Phrases

So, your Urdu language skills are really shaping up. You can hold basic conversations in the workplace and at the restaurant, you’ve made a few casual friends, and your confidence level is at an all-time high...until you find yourself struggling to keep up during informal conversations or in the virtual communication sphere.  If this sounds like you, it’s time to beef up your lexicon with Urdu internet slang phrases and other terms used in casual conversations.  Learning Urdu slang will enable you to develop and maintain strong relationships with native Urdu speakers in Pakistan and also provide you with the opportunity to remain relevant and current. It will also help you eradicate any redundancy in your daily... Show more

Some Must-know Untranslatable Urdu Words

So, you’ve been learning Urdu for quite a while now.  You can hold basic conversations in Urdu with relative ease and navigate most daily situations while in Pakistan.  But imagine you’re talking with a friend or colleague one day. Everything is going just fine until they employ a word you’ve never heard before—you ask what it means, but your interlocutor is struggling to give an apt definition.  This is one of many untranslatable Urdu words you’re bound to hear if you spend any amount of time in Pakistan. Every language has its own set of words and phrases that don’t translate well into other languages, and Urdu is no exception. Because using these words is second nature to native speakers, it’s imperative that... Show more

Top 10 Urdu TV Shows and Drama Series

In addition to revolutionizing the world of entertainment, the "magic box"—also known as the TV—has also channelized a new set of resources for language-learners. Who would doubt the world-wide viewership of different TV shows? From reality shows, to music videos and game shows, the world of television has something to offer everyone. Similarly, Pakistanis find themselves entranced with the many TV serials and talk shows on channels such as GEO TV Urdu and Dunya TV Urdu. Keeping this in view, you can explore the realm of Urdu TV channels, along with some other online resources, to fulfill your language-learning needs. This article will guide you on how to benefit from different Urdu TV channels, and other resources, to achieve excellence... Show more

How to Find Jobs in Pakistan

In today’s globalized market, it’s not uncommon for professionals to move to another country in order to get their dream job. Of course, landing a job and settling down in a foreign country has always been a challenging task. If you’re competing against natives for a particular job, you’ll have to put in some extra effort to win over potential employers.  The good news? You don’t have to figure it out alone.  If you’re hoping to find a job in Pakistan, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, you’ll learn...  ...where to find work in Pakistan....which job finding websites in Pakistan to check often. ...what types of jobs are available here....some tips on how to land your dream job.  Let’s... Show more