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Begin to Win: A List of Basic Urdu Words for Beginners

Did you know that the Urdu language contains over 264,000 words? As a beginner in Urdu, you might find that number intimidating. But don’t fret! Even native Urdu speakers know and use only a fraction of these words.  The most important thing at this stage of your learning journey is that you pick up the essentials. If you’re not sure where to start, this list of basic Urdu words for beginners is a solid option. We’ve hand-picked the words here to reflect what you’re most likely to hear and find use for while in Pakistan.  Whether you’re studying, working, or just exploring this beautiful country, memorizing these words will help you find acceptability among native speakers. You’ll also gain more confidence in your language ability... Show more

The Top 10 Must-Know Urdu Filler Words

So, you’ve built up a solid vocabulary base. You’ve almost perfected your pronunciation. You’ve even gained a strong command of Urdu grammar... But you still struggle to understand the words and phrases used by native Urdu speakers in conversations.  Any experienced language learner can tell you that spoken language is far different from what you learn in the classroom or textbook. A great example of this is filler words.  If you’re ready to start having better conversations in Urdu, it’s time to give the devil its due by focusing your attention on Urdu filler words. At this stage, you must set aside the intricate linguistic rules and regulations you’ve learned so far. Start contemplating the real-life situations that you’ve had (or... Show more

Urdu Negation: Master the Art of Saying No in Urdu

Paulo Coehlo said it well: When you say "Yes" to others, make sure you are not saying "No" to yourself. Wherever you are in the world, knowing how to say ‘no’ tactfully is an invaluable skill. It’s crucial to have the linguistic tools necessary to assert your identity and keep in balance with others.  In Pakistan, it’s customary to be mindful and courteous while giving a negative statement or response to someone. Due to these cultural nuances, today we’ll teach you not only how to form negative sentences in Urdu but also how to apply them to various real-life situations. In addition, we’ll introduce you to several negative expressions in the Urdu language that you can start practicing right away. → Looking for more ways to assert... Show more

Learn Verb Tenses in Urdu

Do you aim at passing through the labyrinth of Urdu tenses without becoming lost in it? Like you, many Urdu learners are hesitant to enter the intricate maze of Urdu-language tenses and their numerous conjugations for the present, past, and future. That said, you may be relieved to hear that dealing with mundane matters in the Urdu language does not require you to learn the verb tenses in Urdu to mastery. If you’re a smart learner with some linguistic common sense, you’ll find ways to formulate Urdu sentences for everyday usage—even if you only have a rudimentary knowledge of tenses.  In this article from UrduPod101, we’ll guide you through the vast world of Urdu verbs and tenses. You’ll learn how to form everything from the simple... Show more

How Long Does it Take to Learn Urdu?

Is it possible to give a definite time-frame for learning Urdu?  Frankly speaking, it’s quite difficult to specify exactly how long it will take someone to learn the language. There are multiple variables that affect one’s second-language acquisition, such as necessity, motivation, level of education, culture, and previous experience with languages. Keeping this in view, it’s also imperative for an aspiring Urdu learner to decide what level of fluency they hope to attain. For example, picking up basic survival phrases for travel will take far less time than trying to become fluent. In this article, we’ll answer questions such as, "How long does it take to learn Urdu?" and give you some tips on how to learn Urdu fast! Table... Show more

Urdu Proverbs: Sound Wise Among Urdu Speakers

Have you ever found yourself struggling to get a point across, only to have the perfect proverb come to mind and save the day? You really can’t deny the utility of proverbs in everyday communication!  The Urdu language is resplendent with traditional sayings and proverbs that reflect the collective consciousness and group identity of its speakers. These Urdu proverbs may come from a variety of sources, from popular folk wisdom to words of the learned elite, but they all share a common cultural understanding and value for the community.  In this article, we’ll introduce you to several of the most common Urdu proverbs and their meanings in English. Studying these proverbs will not only stretch your vocabulary and grammar muscles, but... Show more

10 Places to Visit in Islamabad, the City of Peace

Is Islamabad your next summer holiday destination? Endowed with natural beauty and embellished with well-thought-out and perfectly executed infrastructure, Islamabad remains one of the best tourist attractions in Pakistan. In addition, the city’s cultural diversity marks it with a cosmopolitan hue and makes it the ultimate heaven for tourists. The city was built in 1960 to become the capital of Pakistan. Despite its youth, the city has its historic value, a few glimpses of which will be provided in this Islamabad travel guide from UrduPod101.com. Before you travel to Islamabad, it’s crucial that you know the best and most beautiful attractions in this lively city. To give you a hand, we’ll not only outline the top ten places to visit in... Show more

English Words in the Urdu Language: Do You Know Pinglish?

While visiting Pakistan, don’t be surprised if you hear the indigenous people using a few English words in their Urdu conversations. This implementation of English words in the Urdu language (a phenomenon referred to as Pinglish or Paklish) is a normal occurrence in everyday Urdu speech.  The English language and culture have imprinted deeply on Pakistani society, largely due to the historical colonial context of Pakistan. Remember that before it gained its independence in 1947, Pakistan was under British rule for many decades. In this article, we’ll discuss two categories of English words used in the Urdu language: Pinglish/Paklish and loanwords. And because this language exchange goes both ways, we’ll also introduce you to some... Show more

The Top 30 Urdu Quotes for Language Learners

Have you ever encountered a quote that moved you to think more deeply about something or motivated you to start walking another path in life? Quotes can be very influential, spurring individuals and even entire communities into action. Quotes from different language backgrounds reflect the socio-cultural norms and values of different nations. Luckily for you as a language learner, the Urdu language in particular is quite rich in the field of quotes, with many Pakistani people opting to express themselves through popular Urdu quotes when the situation allows for it. In this article, you’ll learn a variety of Urdu quotes on life, as well as life’s many aspects and experiences.  Are you ready? Then let’s get to it. Table of... Show more

Embark on a Corporate Voyage with Urdu Business Phrases

You may have come across this well-known saying: "Communication works for those who work at it." Well, let us add a word—business—to the beginning of that saying.  If you plan on doing business in an unfamiliar land, you must prepare yourself accordingly in order to enjoy tangible results. Failing to prepare yourself, on the other hand, can be detrimental to your business venture!  With this in view, if you intend to set up a business in Pakistan or plan to visit the territory for the sake of a business commitment, you must learn some commonly used Urdu business phrases. Even a basic understanding of the business language of Pakistan can make your time there more productive. In this article, UrduPod101.com will introduce you to... Show more