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Archive for the 'Urdu Grammar' Category

A Set of Urdu Travel Phrases to Make Your Tour Awesome

The reasons behind your journey to Pakistan may vary but the significance of our set of Urdu travel phrases does not. Regardless of the factors that have triggered your travel, you will find these Urdu phrases for travelers highly beneficial. Whether the growing Pakistani business sector has attracted you or the developing tourism industry of Pakistan, your need to equip yourself with some easy Urdu travel phrases  and selected Urdu travel words remains unaltered as these can make your stay productively enjoyable. In this article, you will learn about some inevitable basic Urdu travel phrases along with a list of travel words in English and Urdu. It will also guide you about certain must-know Urdu travel words and phrases that can... Show more

How to Say Sorry in Urdu

Learn how to apologize in Urdu - fast and accurately! UrduPod101 makes it easy for you to make amends. Start with a bonus, and download your FREE cheat sheet - How to Improve Your Urdu Skills! (Logged-In Member Only) Table of Contents Common Ways to Say Sorry in Urdu How To Refuse Something Politely in Urdu Audio Lesson - Survival Phrases "How to Say Sorry" Why You Will NOT Be Sorry For Learning Urdu through UrduPod101 1. Common Ways to Say Sorry in Urdu Nobody’s perfect, not anywhere in the world. Everybody makes mistakes, and does and says regrettable things. Then it’s time to apologize, as saying ‘I’m sorry’ is not in vain. It can be very healing! Did you know that hearing a sincerely-meant apology can have a... Show more