How to Express Your Anger in Urdu without Urdu Curse Words


It’s an established fact that anger, like all other human emotions, is something that everyone experiences. This emotion is well-known for its potential destructiveness, but properly channeling one’s anger can actually be beneficial. Communicating your anger, or other negative emotions, with others can help you feel better—it may also make the other party feel bad about how they hurt you, whether they meant to or not. In this way, anger has the potential to be constructive instead of destructive.

This is as true in Pakistani society as it is anywhere else in the world. Pakistani people tend to curse in Urdu if the situation warrants it. And of course, they have their own swear words in the Urdu language to express their angry feelings.

If you’re a foreigner or tourist in Pakistan, you must know how to express your anger in Urdu, or how to calm someone else down when needed. Learning some mild Urdu curse words and other angry lines in Urdu will be immensely helpful as you traverse Pakistan and navigate a number of situations in this unfamiliar land.

That’s why, in this article, we’ll be introducing you to the top 20 most common angry phrases in Urdu!

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Table of Contents

  1. Key Terminology for Describing Anger in Urdu
  2. Remember!
  3. Angry Commands in Urdu
  4. Angry Warnings in Urdu
  5. Angry Blames in Urdu
  6. How to Describe Your Angry Feelings?
  7. Bonus: Some Helpful Expressions to Diffuse an Angry Situation
  8. Conclusion

1. Key Terminology for Describing Anger in Urdu


There are a few ways you can translate the word “anger” in the Urdu language.

  • غصہ (ghussa) is usually the most appropriate word to use when describing this emotion, and is the noun form of the word “anger.”
  • Its adjective form (the meaning of “angry” in Urdu) is ناراض (naraz).
  • The word “curse” in Urdu is لعنت (lanat).

A Man Fighting with Another – a Problematic Situation

We know that as an enthusiastic Urdu learner, you’re determined to learn all you can about the language—including how to get angry in Urdu like a native. Now that you’ve learned how to say “angry” in Urdu, we think you’re ready to get to the good stuff. Therefore, in the following sections, will teach you how to use angry words, how to describe sad feelings in Urdu, and much more.

Ready to take your Urdu to the next level? Let’s get started!

2. Remember!

Before proceeding, it’s important to be aware that Pakistan is an Islamic state. Therefore, any form of verbal—or non-verbal—profanity is extremely prohibited. So no matter how angry you are, you’ll have to use the language which is acceptable there. Hence, there are certain restrictions concerning how you can express your anger in Urdu culture.

3. Angry Commands in Urdu

Angry Boss Yelling at Her Subordinate

In Pakistan, there are certain commands you can use to show someone that you’re angry. Below are some popular angry commands Urdu. Note that these are gender-neutral, so anyone can use them.

  • مجھے تنگ مت کرو / مجھے نہ ستاؤ۔
    mujhay tang mat karo / mujhay na satao.
    “Do not tease me.”

If you’re fed up with someone and want him to stop whatever he’s doing, you can say this to him. This phrase is commonly used to ask someone to restrict his activities.

  • اپنے کام سے کام رکھو۔
    apnay kam say kam rakho.
    “Mind your own business.”

When you can’t stand how someone is interfering with your personal matters, you can always use the expression above to keep him at arm’s length. Knowing when to use this phrase will make your job and life so much easier.

  • اپنی زبان سنبھالو۔
    apni zuban sambhalo.
    “Mind your language.”

If you hear a person using an aggressive tone and you want to ask him to keep quiet without being too harsh, use this phrase. It will suffice.

  • اپنی بکواس بند کرو / اپنی زبان بند کرو / اپنا منہ بند کرو۔
    apni bakwas band karo / apni zuban band karo / apna munh band karo.
    “Shut up.”

When the aggressor needs an aggressive reply, use any one of these three expressions. It’s the most aggressive way to tell someone to be quiet in Urdu. To be clear, most Urdu-speakers use the first version.

  • دفعہ ہو جاؤ / اپنی شکل گم کرو/ میری نظروں سے دور ہو جاؤ۔
    dafa ho jao / apni shakal gum karo / meri nazron say dur ho jao.
    “Get lost.”
  • مجھے تنہا چھوڑ دو۔
    mujhay tanha chor do.
    “Leave me alone.”

If a person becomes unbearable and you can’t tolerate his presence, use one of these two sentences to get rid of him. The first ones are more harsh, whereas the second phrase is more polite in tone.

  • بس کرو۔
    bas karo.
    “Stop it.”

When you want to tell someone to stop speaking, this is the best expression to use. An Urdu speaker will understand that he must stop talking.

A Woman Signaling to Stop with Her Hand

4. Angry Warnings in Urdu

Negative Verbs

Sometimes, warning someone to stop or back off is the best way to avoid unnecessary confrontation. Below are a few angry warnings in Urdu that will help you appropriately express your anger or frustration.

  • مجھے غصہ مت دلاؤ۔
    mujhay ghussa mat dilao.
    “Do not make me angry.”

This warning lets the other person know that what he’s doing annoys you. Consequently, he’ll avoid repeating those words or actions.

  • اللہ سے ڈرو۔
    Allah say daro.
    “Be afraid of God.”

This is the most common warning used in Pakistani Urdu-speaking culture. Because of its religious undertones, this phrase is also used quite often in day-to-day life; it reminds others to fear God Almighty. If you find someone ethically, morally, or professionally corrupt, you can always say this to them.

  • میرے صبر کا امتحان مت لو۔
    meray sabar ka imtehan mat lo.
    “Do not try my patience.”

This sentence indicates that you’re about to lose your patience. It’s a great way to tell someone that you’re upset or angry in Urdu.

  • میں یہ برداشت نہیں کروں گا۔
    mei yeh bardasht nahi karun ga.
    “I will not tolerate it.”
  • میں یہ برداشت نہیں کروں گی۔
    mei yeh bardasht nahi karun gi.
    “I will not tolerate it.” (for female speakers)

This sentence warns that the action in question is intolerable for you, and you won’t compromise on it under any circumstances.

  • میرے ساتھ مت الجھو۔
    meray sath mat uljho.
    “Do not mess with me.”

This sentence is a warning that asks others to keep away from you. Otherwise, they may have to face the music.

  • میں تمھیں آخری دفعہ خبردار کر رہا ہوں۔
    mei tumhain aakhri dafa khabardar kar raha hun.
    “This is my last warning.”
  • میں تمھیں آخری دفعہ خبردار کر رہی ہوں۔
    mei tumhain aakhri dafa khabardar kar rahi hun.
    “This is my last warning.” (for female speakers)

You can use this sentence when someone isn’t changing his ways, despite you asking him to do so many times. This is a sort of final warning to the culprit.

  • مجھے دوبارہ کہنے کی ضرورت نہ پیش آئے۔
    mujhay dobara kehnay ki zarurat na pesh aaye.
    “Do not make me say it again.”

This angry phrase in Urdu is very similar to the one above; however, the tone of this sentence is softer than the previous one.

  • اس معاملے میں اپنی ٹانگ مت اڑاؤ۔
    iss mamlay mein apni tang mat arao.
    “Do not poke your nose in this matter.”

This sentence warns a person to keep away from a particular matter. It’s a polite warning that expresses your concern to someone.

5. Angry Blames in Urdu

Woman Angry at Her Computer

In certain scenarios, the blame game is not the shame game. If it can pull you out of an untoward situation, use these Urdu angry blames to your advantage. Following are a few of the most common ones.

  • تمھارا دھیان کدھر ہے؟
    tumhara dhayan kidhar hai.
    “What else are you concentrating on?”

You can say this to get someone’s attention. Once you’ve said this, the other person will start paying attention to what you’re telling him, as you’ve accused him of being distracted.

  • تم مجھے کیوں گھور رہے ہو؟
    tum mujhay kyu ghoor rahay ho?
    “Why are you staring at me?” (addressing a man who is staring)
  • تم مجھے کیوں گھور رہی ہو؟
    tum mujhay kyu ghoor rahi ho?
    “Why are you staring at me?” (addressing a woman who is staring)

You can say this to someone if they’re staring at you and making you feel uncomfortable.

  • تم اپنے آپ کو کیا سمجھتے ہو؟
    tum apnay aap ko kya samjhtay ho?
    “What do you think you are?” (addressing a man)
  • تم اپنے آپ کو کیا سمجھتی ہو؟
    tum apnay aap ko kya samjhti ho?
    “What do you think you are?” (addressing a woman)

This sentence is said to make a person realize that he’s not behaving properly toward you, and he needs to change his behavior.

  • کیا تمھارا دماغ چل گیا ہے؟
    kya tumhara dimagh chal gaya hai?
    “Are you out of your mind?”

Use this expression to tell someone that his mind isn’t working properly and that he must take the matter seriously.

  • تمھارے ساتھ کیا مسئلہ ہے؟
    tumharay sath kya masla hai?
    “What’s wrong with you?”

This phrase calls people out for their inappropriate behavior. If you say this to someone, it will be just like telling that person that his attitude is problematic.

  • یہ سب تمھارا قصور ہے۔
    yeh sab tumhara qasoor hai.
    “It’s all your fault.”

This sentence puts the entire burden on the other person and declares him guilty by all means.

  • تم نے بیڑہ غرق کر دیا ہے۔
    tum nay berra gharq kar diya hai.
    “You messed it up.”

Saying this signifies that someone has spoiled everything. This is the most frequently used sentence to blame someone in the Urdu language.

  • تم نے مجھے مایوس کیا ہے۔
    tum nay mujhay mayoos kiya hai.
    “You have disappointed me.”

If you say this to someone, it means that he’s disappointed you. This blames the other person for his lack of concern in the given matter.

6. How to Describe Your Angry Feelings?

A Bald Man Screaming

Getting upset is quite natural in any culture. In Pakistan, words are the best way to get this across to the other person. Choosing your words carefully allows you to materialize your thoughts and effectively express that you’re angry in Urdu. Words and phrases you can use are listed below.

  • میں اب مزید برداشت نہیں کر سکتا۔
    mei ab mazeed bardasht nahi kar sakta.
    “I can’t take it anymore.” (for male speaker)
  • میں اب مزید برداشت نہیں کر سکتی۔
    mei ab mazeed bardasht nahi kar sakti.
    “I can’t take it anymore.” (for female speaker)
  • میں یہ پسند نہیں کرتا۔
    mei yeh pasand nahi karta.
    “I dislike it.” (for male speaker)
  • میں یہ پسند نہیں کرتی۔
    mei yeh pasand nahi karti.
    “I dislike it.” (for female speaker)

The two sentences above inform others that a certain action has displeased you. By saying this to them, it’s far more likely that they’ll stop doing that action.

  • میں بہت پریشان ہوں۔
    mei bohat pareshan hun.
    “I’m very upset.”

Use this common expression to let someone know your concern.

  • میں اس سے تنگ آ چکا ہوں۔
    mei is say tang aa chuka hun.
    “I’m fed up with it.” (for male speaker)
  • میں اس سے تنگ آ چکی ہوں۔
    mei is say tang aa chuki hun.
    “I’m fed up with it.” (for female speaker)
  • میں اس سے نفرت کرتا ہوں۔
    mei iss say nafrat karta hun.
    “I hate it.” (for male speaker)
  • میں اس سے نفرت کرتی ہوں۔
    mei iss say nafrat karti hun.
    “I hate it.” (for female speaker)

These two sentences are used to express your hatred toward someone.

  • میں اس میں کچھ بھی نہیں کر سکتا۔
    mei is mei kuch bhi nahi kar sakta.
    “I can’t help it.” (for male speaker)
  • میں اس میں کچھ بھی نہیں کر سکتی۔
    mei is mei kuch bhi nahi kar sakti.
    “I can’t help it.” (for female speaker)

If you’re unable to do anything about a given situation, you can use this sentence. It will express your helplessness in that matter.

7. Bonus: Some Helpful Expressions to Diffuse an Angry Situation

A Man and a Woman Arguing with Each Other

It can be quite troublesome and alarming to be stuck in a situation where you’ve become the target of an irate professional, customer, boss, etc. But don’t worry. brings you the following magical expressions that will cool tempers and provide you with an opportunity to diffuse the situation.

  • براہ مہربانی میری بات سنئیے۔
    barahe meharbani meri baat suniye.
    “Listen to me, please.”

This phrase can help you borrow some talk-time from the angry person, as well as time to articulate your point of view.

  • میرا یہ مطلب نہیں تھا۔
    mera yeh matlab nahi tha.
    “I did not mean this.”

This phrase tells the other person that he has misconstrued the meaning of your conversation.

  • آپ پریشان نہ ہوں۔
    aap pareshan na hon.
    “Do not worry.”
  • میں یہ سنبھال لوں گا۔
    mei yeh sambhal lun ga.
    “I’ll take care of this.” (for male speaker)
  • میں یہ سنبھال لوں گی۔
    mei yeh sambhal lun gi.
    “I’ll take care of this.” (for female speaker)

These two sentences will communicate to someone that he doesn’t need to worry, because you’re well-prepared to take over the situation.

  • غصہ کسی مسئلے کا حل نہیں ہے۔
    ghussa kisi maslay ka hal nahi hai.
    “Anger is not a solution to any problem.”

This is another cool sentence telling someone that to become angry won’t help him sort out the problem. Therefore, if he wants to get things taken care of, he will have to cool himself down first.

8. Conclusion

In this article, we’ve guided you on how to express your anger in Urdu, blame others for something that happened, warn them about your anger in Urdu, and diffuse a heated situation. By learning these things, you’ll also have a better idea of how to judge the anger of a native Pakistani person.

If this lesson about angry phrases in Urdu was helpful, remember to share your experience with us in the comments below. Likewise, if there’s an angry phrase you still want to know, we’ll be glad to help!

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