A Set of Urdu Travel Phrases to Make Your Tour Awesome


The reasons behind your journey to Pakistan may vary but the significance of our set of Urdu travel phrases does not. Regardless of the factors that have triggered your travel, you will find these Urdu phrases for travelers highly beneficial.

Whether the growing Pakistani business sector has attracted you or the developing tourism industry of Pakistan, your need to equip yourself with some easy Urdu travel phrases  and selected Urdu travel words remains unaltered as these can make your stay productively enjoyable.

In this article, you will learn about some inevitable basic Urdu travel phrases along with a list of travel words in English and Urdu. It will also guide you about certain must-know Urdu travel words and phrases that can surely be regarded to be the Urdu survival phrases containing some useful Urdu travel tips when traveling in an Urdu-speaking country.

The Famous Lahore Fort – A Famous Tourists’ Place in Pakistan

Log Table of Contents
  1. Basic Expression
  2. Transports
  3. Shopping
  4. Restaurants
  5. Asking for and Giving Directions
  6. Emergencies
  7. Flattery Phrases
  8. Useful Phrases to Go Through Language Problems
  9. Conclusion

1. Basic Expression

To start with, the basic expressions that can help you in plenty of situations emerge to be a good approach invariably. In this section of the article, you will find an assortment of selected basic Urdu expressions that can help you get the maximum out of a situation in Pakistan. Let us go through them without any further delay.

  •          السّلامُ علیکم (Assalam-u-alaikum) – hello/peace be upon you
  •          شکریہ (shukriah) – thank you
  •          معاف کیجیے گا۔ (maaf kijiye ga۔) – sorry
  •          معذرت چاہتا/چاہتی ہوں۔ (maazrat chahta/chahti hun۔) – excuse me
  •          براہِ مہربانی (barah-e-meharbani) – please
  •          خدا حافظ (Khuda hafiz) – goodbye
  •          آپ سے مِل کر خوشی ہوئی۔ (Aap say mil ker khushi hui.) – Nice to meet you.
  •          خوش آمدید (khush aamdeed) – welcome
  •          آپ کا نام کیا ہے؟ (Aap ka naam kia hai?) – What is your name?
  •          ہاں (haan) – yes
  •          نہیں (nahin) – no
  •          مجھے یہ پسند ہے۔ (Mujhay yeh pasand hai.) – I like it.
  •          مجھے یہ پسند نہیں ہے۔ (Mujhay yeh pasand nahin hai.) – I don’t like it.

You may also want to see our article on how to say hello in Urdu

2. Transports

Knowing how to talk about frequently used means of transportation will be a sigh of relief for you in any foreign country. In Pakistan too, if you can develop such vocabulary in its official language i.e. Urdu, your traveling will become worth cherishing. Find below some important Urdu words, phrases, and expressions that can help you make your journey comfortable.

  •          ریلوے سٹیشن (railway station)
  •          بس  (bus) – bus
  •          ٹیکسی (taxi) – taxi
  •          ہوائی اڈّہ (hawai addah) – airport
  •          میں ریلوے سٹیشن پر جانا چاہتا ہوں۔  
    (Mei railway station per jaana chata hun.)
    I would like to go to the railway station.

  •          کیا آپ مجھے بتا سکتے ہیں کہ ریلوے اسٹیشن کہاں ہے؟
    Kia aap mujhay bataa saktay hain kay railway station kahan hai?
    Could you please tell me where the railway station is?

  •          کیا میں ٹکٹ خرید سکتا ہوں؟
    Kia mei ticket khareed sakta hun?
    Can I buy a ticket?

  •  قریب ترین ٹیکسی سٹینڈ کہاں ہے؟
    Qareeb tareen taxi stand kahan hai?
    Where is the nearest taxi stand?

  •          لاہور تک کا ٹکٹ کتنے کا ہے؟
    Lahore tak ka ticket kitnay ka hai?
    How much is the ticket to Lahore?

  •          لاہور کے لیے ٹرین کتنے بجے چلے گی؟
    Lahore kay liye train kitnay bajay chalay gi?
    When will the train to Lahore leave?

  •          کیا یہ بس اسلام آباد میں رُکے گی؟
    Kia yeh bus Islamabad mein rukay gi?
    Will this bus stop in Islamabad?

  •          مجھے ٹکٹ گھر کی تلاش ہے۔
    Mujhay ticket ghar ki talaash hai.
    I am looking for the ticket counter.

  •          کیا میں ٹھیک پلیٹ فاارم پر ہوں؟
    Kia mei theek platform per hun?
    Am I on the right platform?

A Fleet of Yellow-cab Taxis on the Road

3. Shopping

While traveling to Pakistan, a need to raise your shopping budget may arise as the country has a wide variety of exotic desi items that you may want to buy and keep in your drawing room for decoration or gifting them to your beloved ones. Therefore, for the sake of shopping, you should be equipped with some good shopping vocabulary in Urdu. The following section of the article will be a good advance in this regard.

  •          یہ کتنے کا/کی ہے؟
    Yeh kitnay ka/ki hai?
    How much does it cost?

  •          میں رقم نقد ادا کروں گا/گی۔
    Mei raqam naqad ada karun ga/gi.
    I will pay in cash.

  •          کیا آپ کریڈٹ کارڈ قبول کرتے ہیں؟
    Kia aap credit card qabool kertay hain?
    Do you accept credit cards?

  •          ایک کلو کتنے کے ملیں گے؟
    Aik kilo kitnay kay milain gay?
    How much will one kilo of it cost?

  •          کتنے روپے کی رعایت مِل سکتی ہے؟
    Kitnay rupay ki re-ayat mil sakti hai?
    How much discount can I get?

If you need additional vocabulary, please check out our article on numbers in Urdu.

A Couple Buying the Groceries and Filling Their Shopping Carts with Grocery Items

4. Restaurants

Without tasting and testing the food of a foreign land, the journey to that country cannot be said to be completed. To enjoy the desi cuisine, you should know a few rudimentary Urdu expressions given below. Let us move to these expressions straight away now.

  •          براہِ مہربانی، مینیو لائیں۔
    Barah-e-meharbani, menu laaein.
    Please, bring the menu.

  •          میرے لیے ایک گلاس پانی لائیں۔
    Meray liye aik glass paani laaein.
    Bring a glass of water for me.

  •          براہِ مہربانی، دو چائےکے کپ۔
    Barah-e-meharbani dou chaye kay cup.
    Please, two cups of tea.

  •          آج خاص کیا ہے؟
    Aaj khaas kia hai?
    What is today’s special?

  •          کھانا بہت مزیدار اور معیاری تھا۔
    Khaana bohat mazaydaar aur mayaari tha.
    The food was very tasty and up to the standard.

Chappal Kabab – A Desi Delicacy

5. Asking for and Giving Directions

It is not uncommon to go astray at unknown places. In such situations, if you already know how to ask for direction or vice versa, you can minimize your frustration. Given below are some extremely useful expressions to deal with the said scenarios.

  •          چڑیا گھر کہاں ہے؟
    Chirya ghar kahan hai?
    Where is the zoo?

  •          میں لارنس باغ میں کیسے پہنچ سکتا ہوں؟
    Mei Lawrence Baagh mein kesay pohanch sakta hun?
    How can I reach Lawrence Garden?

  •          دائیں مُڑیں۔
    Daaein murein.
    Turn right.

  •          بائیں مُڑیں۔
    Baaein murein.
    Turn left.

  •          کہیں مُڑے بغیر سیدھے جائیں۔
    Kaheen murey baghair seedhay jaaein.
    Go straight without taking any turn.

A Station Guide Showing the Directions with the help of arrows

6. Emergencies

Emergencies may emerge anywhere. Although we wish that you never face any emergency in Pakistan; however, we would recommend you to learn the following Urdu phrases and sentences to get rid of any emergency or seek the required help at an appropriate time without facing any difficulty. You can have a list of such helpful Urdu expressions underneath here.

  •          مجھے مدد چاہیے۔
    Mujhay madad chahiye.
    I need help.

  •          براہِ مہربانی، ایمبولینس بلائیں۔
    Barah-e-meharbani, ambulance bulaaein.
    Please, call for an ambulance.

  •          کیا مجھے ہنگامی حالات کے لیے کوئی نمبر مِل سکتا ہے؟
    Kia mujhay hungaami halaat kay liye koi number mil sakta hai?
    Can I have an emergency number?

  •          کیا یہاں کوئی ڈاکٹر ہے؟
    Kia yahan koi doctor hai?
    Is there any doctor here?

  •          کیا قریب میں کوئی دواخانہ ہے؟
    Kia qareeb mein koi dawaa-khaanah hai?
    Is there any pharmacy nearby?

An Emergency Sign with an Ambulance in the Background

7. Flattery Phrases

Praise always pays back. You are also recommended to use the praise or flattery phrases that can win the favors of the natives for you as it is thought to be a good gesture to praise others when required. Use the following sentences, you will find them effective by all means.

  •          مجھے پاکستانی لوگ پسند ہیں۔
    Mujhay Pakistani log pasand hain.
    I like Pakistani people.

  •          مجھے دیسی کھانے پسند ہیں۔
    Mujhay desi khaanay pasand hain.
    I like desi cuisine.

  •          کیا آپ میرے دوست بن سکتے ہیں؟
    Kia aap meray dost ban saktay hain?
    Can I have a friendship with you?

  •          مجھے آپ کا مُلک بہت پسند ہے۔
    Mujhay aap ka mulk bohat pasand hai.
    I like your country very much.

  •          کیا آپ فیس بُک استعمال کرتے ہیں؟
    Kia aap facebook istemaal kertay hain.
    Do you use Facebook?

8. Useful Phrases to Go Through Language Problems

It is not guaranteed that you cannot face any linguistic barrier even after getting command over a set of useful Urdu travel phrases; therefore, we have brought the following Urdu sentences for you to cope with such barriers. They will work for you for sure.

  •          کیا آپ انگلش بولتے ہیں؟
    Kia aap English boltay hain?
    Do you speak English?

  •          اس کا مطلب کیا ہے؟
    Iss ka matlab kia hai?
    What does it mean?

  •          مجھے سمجھ نہیں آئی، کیا آپ دوہرا سکتے ہیں۔
    Mujhay samajh nahin aaei. Kia aap dohraa saktay hain.
    I did not get it. Could you please repeat it?

  •          آپ اسے اردو میں کیا کہتے ہیں؟
    Aap isay Urdu mein kia kehtay hain?
    What do you call it in Urdu?

  •          آپ اسے اردو میں کیسے بولتے ہیں؟
    Aap isay Urdu mein kaisay boltay hain?
    How do you say it in Urdu?

9. Conclusion

Through this article, you have not only learned about a few common Urdu travel phrases but also some quite essential and famous Urdu travel phrases. It has also helped you learn such travel phrases in the Urdu language that can easily be categorized as extremely useful Urdu phrases for travel. The article has introduced certain common phrases in Urdu too which will boost your vocabulary to learn Urdu words and phrases concerning the act of traveling in an Urdu speaking society. 

After going through this guide, now are you prepared to visit Pakistan and use these travel phrases effectively? Whether your answer is yes or it is a no, just write your response to us at UrduPod101.com, we will get back to you at the earliest to address your queries and concerns.

Besides that, forget not to be a frequent visitor of UrduPod101.com. It is a rich repository of Urdu language learning resources such as Urdu dictionary, Urdu pronunciation, Urdu vocabulary, Urdu grammar, etc. that will help you hone your integrated Urdu language learning skills eventually.

Very Happy Urdu Learning!
